Well, I think we're done celebrating my birthday. I may have asked for too much because it stretched over several weekends. :-)
We went:
And to see Dracula here:

Both really great stories, btw. Never one for horror movies, I think my family was a bit surprised when I said I wanted to see both of those.
Kiernan and I got pedicures, which was a first, by the lovely Breely, at the best salon. The foot massage was the best part! (Linsey does my hair.)
We ate here one weekend (The. Best. Restaurant. In. The USA.), and here another weekend (great seafood gumbo).
We also went to see a Gainsborough exhibit at the Cincinnati Art Museum (they have quite a nice collection there. We'll have to go back again soon.)
And, although this isn't technically for my birthday :-), we're going here tonight.
Massages, pretty toes, fine art, great food, superb acting in two great plays all with the ones I love best (except for Jillian's absence :-(. (And opera snuck in there at the end.) What more could I ask for? (Well, maybe, being able to do all of this in England? hint, hint, Walt ;-)
I loved this post! It really brought everything you guys are doing alive for me. I wish I could be there with you!