Here's my working definition of Christian Classical Education:
I've started a new educational pursuit. It's an apprenticeship program under the direction of Andrew Kern with an amazing institute called CiRCE. It's already stretching me and challenging me so much. One of our first assignments has been to write our own definition of Christian Classical Education. Of course, some of this probably requires additional definition (what's the nous?), but I won't go into that now.
I had a hard time trying to write down what I believe Christian classical education is. I knew I wanted it to include something about ordering the soul, but I wasn't sure about the rest. I just knew it needed more. I also knew I had to include some of the how (which is the Mimetic and Socratic.)
I wasn't getting very far until I thought of my girls. I decided to use them as my "Types." Beginning with the end to see what I should start with.
They are both graduated now, young ladies at the beginning of their lives. And I've got to say, I love who they are!! I'm meeting more and more Moms who are disappointed in 'how their kids have turned out.' Why this is I couldn't say, but it's highlighted for me how very pleased I am with my girls.
They are virtuous without being arrogant, legalistic, judgmental, or prudish. Well, true Virtue would never allow those vices into her company anyway, would she?
They are also wise. They "see" - the kind of seeing with the heart that is depicted pretty well in the movie, Signs. And they don't just know what is true, good and beautiful, they desire them because truth, goodness and beauty give them pleasure.
And I've seen them both yearn and struggle for personal holiness in their lives.
As I said, I decided I would start with them because I was pleased with what I saw and work my way backwards. I also knew that, while I hadn't done everything perfectly (who does?), that I hadn't been a completely ineffective teacher either, by the Grace of God - and that's where the Holy Spirit came in. :-) As a person in the Holy Trinity, I knew it all would have been wood, hay, stubble had He not been a integral part of our efforts.
So, there it is. All the elements. I just needed to put it into a sentence. :-)
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