Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jillian graduates! :-)

Although as Jillian has said, she feels like high school graduations are over-rated. She has said that she's not done, that she is just moving from one educational environment to another, but to think one is done with one's education at 18 is silly. We tend to agree. :-)

Jillian has finished her last exam, a Greek one, as a high school student. Although because she is such an amazing hard-working, smart-thinking fiend, she requested to do an "independent study" with her Latin teacher during the summer.

Jillian has chosen to attend the University of Dallas in Texas to study History and Classics (with an emphasis in Greek). She received a full-tuition scholarship and some additional departmental scholarships, so the price is right. :-) As we've seen on the UD facebook page she is one of 20 National Merit scholars in their incoming freshman class.

We are thankful to God for His blessings upon our Jillian Grace.

One of the things that attracted Jillian to UD was its core curriculum. It was designed by a woman (who is in her 90's! and still teaching!) named Louise Cowan (who co-wrote Invitation to the Classics), and who was just named one of the "20 Most Brilliant Christian Professors" by an online journal, The College Crunch. UD's core is incredibly thorough and demanding. Jillian is looking forward to the challenge. She is also looking forward to studying in Rome for the spring semester of her sophomore year. :-)

Jillian, we are so very proud of you!!


  1. Awwww, Gail and Walt I can understand how proud you must be! Congrats, Jillian!
